Payson Elks – Arizona Elks Lodge

This Week: The Two Billy’s

Please join us on Friday, April 4th, for a wonderful night with The Two Billy’s. Dinner will be served 5:30-7:30pm (manicotti w/ veg & bread). Enjoy some great music 6-9pm.

The Elks Lodge has something going on almost every day. Take a look here!

This Week: Crafting Fair

Join us this Saturday, April 5th, for a craft fair from 10am to 2pm! Take a look at what our local, talented crafters can produce. Lounge opens at 3pm.

What events does the lodge usually have each week? Take a look here!

Meet Our Newest Members

Welcome to our new members!

Seated in front left to right: Sharon Steuber, ER Mary Springer, and Thomas Hammond.

Back row left to right: Lauretta Shiya, Frank Krause, Philip Krisher, Kaya Kotzen, Dianne Olsen, Lucy Luckett, Christian Hyde, Jay Stuckey, Violet Hill and Scott Pike.